Billy Tea Bush Safaris
Billy Tea Safaris is a family owned company and been operating since 1981. Based in Cairns, they operate personalised outback tours and rainforest tours to:
- Daintree
- Cape Tribulation
- 4WD Bloomfield Track
- Cooktown
- Chillagoe Caves & Outback
- Cape York
- Central Australia
- Northern Territory
They have National Parks Permits to all areas in Daintree / Cape Tribulation / Cape York / Atherton Tablelands / Mungana (Chillagoe) / also permits in other areas of Queensland.
Custom built 4WD vehicles (maximum 16) have been designed for passenger comfort and to withstand some of the ruggedness required in the areas that they operate. The vehicles are high clearance which means when conditions are wet we can still get through, extra large viewing windows, spacious seats, extra leg room for maximum customer comfort. They also provide baby and booster seats, all seats are seat belted.
All drivers are local accredited guides which means they have years of local knowledge and experience specialising knowledge of history, local aboriginal culture, all aspects of flora and fauna and in depth knowledge of our World Heritage Rainforest and Outback.
Industry Memberships:
- Billy Tea Safaris is a Foundation Member of Far North Queensland Tour Operators Association
- Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC)
- Tourism Tropical North Queensland
- Tourism Australia
- Queensland Q Parks
- Big 4 Caravan Parks Assoc
- Advanced Eco Tourism Accredited - Green Travel Leader
2 Listings Found for Billy Tea Bush Safaris
2 day Cape Trib & Rock Art
2 day Cape Trib & Rock Art
Best of Rainforest & Outback